Monkey Feet Workout

Monkey Feet Workout: Strengthening Your Feet and Toes for Better Balance and Flexibility

Are you looking for a new way to spice up your leg workouts? Look no further than the Monkey Feet workout! This unique workout involves using a device that allows you to lift dumbbells with your feet, just like you would with your hands. Monkey Feet can be used for a variety of exercises that target your legs, hips, and glutes, making it a versatile addition to your workout routine.

One of the benefits of the Monkey Feet workout is that it allows you to target muscles that may be difficult to engage with traditional exercises. By lifting dumbbells with your feet, you can work your hamstrings, glutes, and other leg muscles in a new and challenging way. Plus, Monkey Feet is easy to set up and use, making it a convenient option for busy fitness enthusiasts.

If you’re interested in trying the Monkey Feet workout, there are a variety of exercises you can do to target different muscle groups. From hamstring curls to donkey kicks, there are plenty of moves to choose from. So why not give Monkey Feet a try and take your leg workouts to the next level?

Understanding Monkey Feet Workout

Monkey Feet is a popular fitness trend that involves attaching weights to your feet using ankle straps. By wearing the extra weight, you can increase the intensity of your workouts and target different muscle groups. Monkey Feet can be worn during various activities such as running, walking, and cycling.

Animalhouse Fitness is the company behind the Monkey Feet device, and they have been gaining popularity in the fitness industry. The Monkey Feet device is designed to be comfortable, durable, and easy to use. It is made from high-quality materials and can be adjusted to fit any shoe size.

The Monkey Feet workout is a great way to challenge your body and improve your fitness level. It can help you build strength, increase endurance, and burn calories. The Monkey Feet device allows you to perform a variety of exercises that target different muscle groups in your legs and core.

Here are some of the benefits of the Monkey Feet workout:

  • It can help you build strength in your legs and core.
  • It can increase your endurance and stamina.
  • It can help you burn calories and lose weight.
  • It can improve your balance and coordination.
  • It can be used for a variety of activities such as running, walking, and cycling.

The Monkey Feet workout is suitable for people of all fitness levels. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete, you can benefit from using the Monkey Feet device. It is important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts to avoid injury.

In conclusion, the Monkey Feet workout is a fun and effective way to improve your fitness level. By using the Monkey Feet device, you can challenge your body and achieve your fitness goals. Animalhouse Fitness is a reputable company that produces high-quality fitness equipment, and the Monkey Feet device is no exception.

Key Benefits of Monkey Feet Workout

Monkey Feet workout is a popular fitness trend that involves attaching weights to your feet using ankle straps. This workout can be performed during various activities such as running, walking, and cycling. Here are some of the key benefits of Monkey Feet workout:

Improved Strength

One of the primary benefits of Monkey Feet workout is improved strength. By wearing the weights, you can increase the intensity of your workouts and target different muscle groups. This can help you build stronger leg muscles, which can improve your overall strength and endurance.

Enhanced Stability and Balance

Maintaining stability and balance is crucial for overall fitness and daily activities. Monkey Feet workout forces your body to adjust to the unstable surface, activating your core muscles and improving your balance. This can help you perform better in sports and other physical activities.

Increased Range of Motion

Monkey Feet workout can help you increase your range of motion. The added weight can help you stretch your muscles further, improving your flexibility and range of motion. This can help you prevent injuries and perform better in physical activities.

Low-Impact Workout

Monkey Feet workout is a low-impact workout that can be performed by people of all ages and fitness levels. Unlike high-impact workouts that can put stress on your joints, Monkey Feet workout is gentle on your joints and can help you improve your fitness without causing any injuries.

In conclusion, Monkey Feet workout is a fun and effective way to improve your strength, stability, balance, and range of motion. By incorporating this workout into your fitness routine, you can achieve your fitness goals and improve your overall health and well-being.

Essential Equipment for Monkey Feet Workout

To get the most out of your Monkey Feet workout, you’ll need a few essential pieces of equipment. Here are some items you should consider investing in:

Monkey Feet

First and foremost, you’ll need a pair of Monkey Feet. These patented, ratchet-based shoe attachments are designed to hold a standard dumbbell, up to 160 lbs in weight. They’re perfect for adding resistance to your lower body exercises, such as squats, lunges, and calf raises.


In addition to Monkey Feet, you’ll need a set of dumbbells. You can use any type of dumbbell that has handles at least five inches wide and weighs less than 160 lbs. Adjustable dumbbells are a great option, as they allow you to easily change the weight as needed.

Weight Plates

If you’re using adjustable dumbbells, you’ll also need weight plates. These are used to increase the weight of your dumbbells. Make sure to choose weight plates that are compatible with your dumbbell handles.

Yoga Mat

A yoga mat is not essential, but it can make your Monkey Feet workout more comfortable. It provides a non-slip surface for your feet and can help cushion your joints during exercises like lunges and calf raises.

With these essential pieces of equipment, you’ll be ready to take your Monkey Feet workout to the next level. Remember to start with lighter weights and gradually increase the weight as you become stronger. And always use proper form to avoid injury.

Exercises for Lower Body

When it comes to working out your lower body, MonkeyFeet can be a great tool to add to your routine. Here are some exercises you can do with MonkeyFeet to target your feet, legs, and lower body:


Squats are a great exercise to work your lower body, and MonkeyFeet can add an extra challenge to this classic move. To do a MonkeyFeet squat, simply place the balls of your feet on the MonkeyFeet and perform a regular squat. This will help improve your balance and strengthen your feet and legs.


Lunges are another great exercise to target your lower body, and MonkeyFeet can help you get more out of this move. To do a MonkeyFeet lunge, place one foot on the MonkeyFeet and step forward with your other foot into a lunge position. This will help improve your balance and stability, and work your glutes, quads, and hamstrings.

Donkey Kicks

Donkey kicks are a great exercise to target your glutes, and MonkeyFeet can help you get more out of this move. To do a MonkeyFeet donkey kick, place the MonkeyFeet underneath your hands and knees, and lift one leg up behind you while keeping your knee bent. This will help improve your balance and stability, and work your glutes and hamstrings.

Fire Hydrants

Fire hydrants are another great exercise to target your glutes, and MonkeyFeet can help you get more out of this move. To do a MonkeyFeet fire hydrant, place the MonkeyFeet underneath your hands and knees, and lift one leg out to the side while keeping your knee bent. This will help improve your balance and stability, and work your glutes and outer thighs.

Knee Raises

Knee raises are a great exercise to target your lower abs and hip flexors, and MonkeyFeet can add an extra challenge to this move. To do a MonkeyFeet knee raise, place the MonkeyFeet underneath your hands and knees, and lift one knee up towards your chest while keeping your foot flexed. This will help improve your balance and stability, and work your lower abs and hip flexors.

Leg Raises

Leg raises are another great exercise to target your lower abs, and MonkeyFeet can help you get more out of this move. To do a MonkeyFeet leg raise, place the MonkeyFeet underneath your hands and knees, and lift one leg up towards the ceiling while keeping your foot flexed. This will help improve your balance and stability, and work your lower abs and hip flexors.

Overall, MonkeyFeet can be a great addition to your lower body workout routine, helping you improve your balance, stability, and strength in your feet, legs, and lower body.

Targeting Specific Muscle Groups

When it comes to working out with Monkey Feet, you can target specific muscle groups to achieve your fitness goals. Here are some tips on how to use Monkey Feet to target specific muscle groups:


The quads are the muscles located on the front of your thighs. To target your quads, perform exercises such as long sitting leg lifts, half-kneeling knee drives, and eccentric leg extensions. These exercises involve extending your legs, which engages your quads.


The hamstrings are the muscles located on the back of your thighs. To target your hamstrings, perform exercises such as squats, heel squeezes, and hamstring curls. These exercises involve bending your legs, which engages your hamstrings.


The glutes are the muscles located in your buttocks. To target your glutes, perform exercises such as squats, fire hydrants, and lateral leg lifts. These exercises involve extending your legs to the side or behind you, which engages your glutes.

Core Muscles

The core muscles are the muscles located in your abdomen and lower back. To target your core muscles, perform exercises such as plank holds, mountain climbers, and Russian twists. These exercises involve engaging your core muscles to stabilize your body.

Remember to always warm up before exercising and to listen to your body. If you experience any pain or discomfort, stop exercising immediately and consult with a healthcare professional. With consistent effort and proper form, you can achieve your fitness goals with Monkey Feet.

Advanced Monkey Feet Exercises

If you’re looking to take your Monkey Feet workout to the next level, there are several advanced exercises you can try. These exercises will challenge your balance, coordination, and strength, and help you achieve your fitness goals. Here are a few advanced Monkey Feet exercises you can try:

Hamstring Curl

The hamstring curl is an excellent exercise for strengthening your hamstrings and glutes. To perform this exercise, attach the Monkey Feet to your ankles and lie face down on a bench or mat. Bend your knees and bring your heels towards your buttocks, contracting your hamstrings. Hold this position for a few seconds, then slowly lower your legs back down to the starting position. Repeat for several reps.

Leg Extension

The leg extension is another great exercise for targeting your quadriceps muscles. To perform this exercise, attach the Monkey Feet to your ankles and sit on a bench or chair. Straighten your legs out in front of you, lifting your feet off the ground. Hold this position for a few seconds, then lower your legs back down to the starting position. Repeat for several reps.

Weighted Pull Ups

Weighted pull-ups are an excellent exercise for targeting your back muscles and increasing your overall upper body strength. To perform this exercise, attach the Monkey Feet to your ankles and hang from a pull-up bar. Hold a dumbbell between your feet and pull yourself up towards the bar, keeping your elbows close to your body. Lower yourself back down to the starting position and repeat for several reps.

Remember to always warm up before attempting any advanced Monkey Feet exercises. Start with lighter weights and gradually increase the weight as you become more comfortable with each exercise. With consistent practice, you’ll be able to master these advanced exercises and take your Monkey Feet workout to the next level.

Safety Tips and Precautions

When starting a new workout routine, it is important to keep safety in mind. Here are some safety tips and precautions to follow when using the Monkey Feet equipment:

  • Always warm up before starting your workout. This will help prevent injury and prepare your muscles for exercise.
  • Start with a light weight and gradually increase the weight as your muscles become stronger. Using too heavy of a weight can cause strain and injury.
  • Make sure the Monkey Feet are securely fastened to your shoes before starting your workout. Loose equipment can cause you to lose your balance and fall.
  • Use proper form and technique when performing exercises. Poor form can put unnecessary stress on your joints and muscles, leading to injury.
  • Take breaks as needed and listen to your body. If you experience pain or discomfort, stop the exercise and rest.
  • Stay hydrated throughout your workout. Dehydration can cause fatigue and cramping.
  • Consult with a physician before starting any new exercise routine, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions or injuries.

By following these safety tips and precautions, you can ensure a safe and effective workout using the Monkey Feet equipment.


Congratulations! You have completed reading this article about Monkey Feet and have gained a better understanding of this unique fitness tool.

Throughout this article, we have explored the various benefits of using Monkey Feet in your workouts, including injury prevention, injury recovery, and enhanced athletic performance. We have also discussed the different exercises that can be performed using Monkey Feet, such as hamstring curls, calf raises, and squats.

It is important to note that while Monkey Feet can be a useful addition to your workout routine, they should not be used as a replacement for proper form and technique. It is crucial to use Monkey Feet under the guidance of a professional trainer to avoid any injuries or accidents.

If you are looking for a cost-effective and practical way to add resistance to your lower body workouts, Monkey Feet might be the perfect solution for you. With its ease of use and versatility, it can be a valuable addition to any home gym or fitness routine.

So what are you waiting for? Grab a pair of Monkey Feet and start incorporating them into your workouts today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of MonkeyFeet exercise?

MonkeyFeet exercises can help you target different muscle groups, increase the intensity of your workouts, and improve your overall fitness level. By wearing weights on your feet, you can challenge your muscles in new ways and improve your balance and coordination.

How do you do MonkeyFeet exercises for glutes?

To work your glutes with MonkeyFeet, you can try exercises like donkey kicks, hamstring curls, and leg extensions. These exercises can help you tone and strengthen your glutes, as well as improve your overall lower body strength.

Do MonkeyFeet work with adjustable dumbbells?

Yes, MonkeyFeet can work with adjustable dumbbells. Simply attach the ankle straps to your feet and then attach the dumbbells to the straps. This can be a great way to add variety to your workouts and challenge your muscles in new ways.

What is Monkey Feet Animal House Fitness?

Monkey Feet Animal House Fitness is a company that produces MonkeyFeet products and accessories. They offer a range of different weights and straps to help you customize your workouts and get the most out of your MonkeyFeet exercises.

Are there any alternative to Monkey Feet?

Yes, there are alternative products to MonkeyFeet, such as ankle weights and resistance bands. However, MonkeyFeet are specifically designed for foot-based exercises and can offer unique benefits that other products may not provide.

Where can I find Monkey Feet discount code?

You can find Monkey Feet discount codes on their website or by following them on social media. They also offer discounts and promotions throughout the year, so be sure to check back regularly for new deals and offers.

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